Air-conditioning or keeping microclimate in closed rooms using air-conditioning units is more and more popular. Such units are much-sought-for equipment for each office, workshop, shop, flat or house. Thye can serve for cooling, drying and heating of air. They can be controlled manually, or by remote control, they can automatically signal necessity of changing air filter and they do not generate noise.
We can offer you delivery, installation and warranty and postwarranty servicing. We deliver classical split units as well as multisplit ones with compressors and inverters.
A complete solution for a production hall can manage ventlation, heating, humidity regulation and cooling in one system. Combination of a big recuperation unit with warm water heater and adiabatic cooling units enable all the year round keeping of aceptable microclimate with use of waste heat e.g. from production machines. During standard operating mode the unit ensure recuperation of heat from exhausted air and transfering part of it to fresh air. Hot water or electric heater supplies the difference. Adiabatic units ensure moistening and in summer cooling. Fresh air is distributed into hall by air manifolds.